Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New toy...

So I bought a new workout toy today. Gold's Gym Long Series Resistance Tube Kit with Workout DVD  HOLY HELL these tubes are hard.  I thought it would be another frivolous purchase.  But they are hard to do.  I watch that show Heavy on A&E and I see the personal trainers using them all the time so I figured I'd give them a whirl.  I LOVE them.  I can't wait to show them to Eric.  I'm bored with lifting weights.

Today was Cedric's feeding therapy.  He's funny.  He was slap happy during his session because he had refused a nap before hand.  He giggled and giggled.  It was cute.  Too bad my newly cleaned kitchen is destroyed from his session...but that's life.

My liquid pants should be coming this Friday.  YAY!!!  I need to call and pay for Ceddy's surgery.  Not looking forward to that.

This whole budgeting thing is kinda working out.  It sucks...but in the long run we will have way more money.  Soon the cars will be paid off!!!  Yay!

So it begins...Spen informed me that his friends all want Jordans and he did not know why.  I thank God for my sons reasoning abilities.  He was like they don't make you run faster or be like Michael Jordan.  Yes, he's only 7 and yes he is awesome.   He said his friends all think they are cool.  He was like they're not...they're just shoes.  I love and adore fashion, but to have something to just have something is absurd.  I told Spen it was great he was a free thinker and he wasn't being sucked into insecurity.  We always tell him to be who he wants to be.  I just don't for the life of me see spending that much money on a child's pair of shoes.  I get it if they were medical shoes or something and performed a service to the child, but to "look"  That's doesn't fly in our house.  I try to teach my kids what you wear, what you own and where you live does not make you who you are.  It's how you are that makes you treat people you love, know or strangers accounts to your character.  I swear it's sad so many people assume fancy cars, clothes, an image gives them class or makes them better.  What makes people better is how they treat one another.  I love my son for seeing through the charade of insecurity and mass marketing.  He is Spencer and no one else...and I love him for that.  It's funny Spen is an awesome little man.  He has told me for the longest time that he thinks he was born to do something great.  It was insane hearing this come from a 5 or 6 year old mouth, but I've gotten used to it.  He just plain as day tells me that he thinks he was born for a reason and he is going to do something great when he gets older.  I don't doubt he will.  He is extremely special and gifted.  He is an old soul...weird as I say this some people look at me like I'm nuts, but when he was little he never looked at the world as it was something new.  He was just an old could see it in his eyes.  He is very different from other kids.  He's way more mature and mentally just different.  It's hard to explain.  Anyone who knows him gets this...he's just different.  The funny thing is I truly believe Spen was born to do something great.  I know all parents say that about their kids.  But  I know in my heart he was.  Who knows what his journey will be before him, but I know it will be an interesting one.  Cedric will be my child that calls me in the middle of the night to inform me he moved to Brazil and is starting a new life.  He has no fear.  Spen..he is gentle and thinks everything through.  He will be my surgeon, my Mr. President, my scientist...Ceddy...he will be my cave jumper, mountain climber, gray hair maker, but I wouldn't have it any other way : )  I love my boys. to stuff my face.  I've had two 90 calorie ice cream bars today and subway.  Not looking good...hahahahaa...


Wusel's... said...

You happy's hard to find 90 calorie ice cream bars here in Germany...

I bought a pair of damn expensive sketchers with orange flashing lights for a 2 years old *LOL*

I have the same toy but it's pink and in my cellar. Please use it more often than I do.

I'm so happy you like Madonna. Thank you. Was not easy.

~Nikki Pullen said...

Sadly most of us Happy Americans are they have to have an abundance of 90 calorie EVERYTHING. You're a talented artist...keep on creating!!!