Tuesday, March 22, 2011

And she's off...

So far today I have somewhat fixed my website and I have an idea on how to fix the rest of it.  Yay!  Did dishes, swept, fed two kids, got the oldest off to school, wrote an entry on my other site and am about to go shopping.  Yay!!!  I say today is off to a great start.

When I get home I'll be making my vlog for Vlogging Wednesday. Stay tuned and see you guys later!!!


The Planet Pink said...

You are on a roll! I had a slower start to my day. I don't think my body has caught up with daylight savings yet. Grrr...

~Nikki Pullen said...

I had to keep going or I would have crawled back into bed...hehehehee. I'm hating the time change as well.