Thursday, November 4, 2010

Side note...

Ok...was just thinking about some things in my very lovely hot shower.  I'm warm for the moment : ) 

I read a new blog today and fell in love with the mom.  She talked about how complacent people become once a tragedy is over.  Once you survive and you have your happy outcome  you continue on forging ahead in your trivial regular life. Back to shopping, decorating, just every day stuff, but you seem to lose hold of that mere moment when you would have given everything up  for your happy ending to occur.  Once the dust settles and once your world is made whole again, we often forget what is truly precious. We get lost in the everyday battles of bills, work and life itself.  She was discussing the fear of her child's health.  That is a fear on no other.  I have faced that fear and it's terrifying.  I'm guilty of being complacent.  At times when I'm tired I am grumpy with my kids.  I lose sight of how precious they are, and how at one moment in time I was terrified of losing them.  I think it's humbling to recall your most worrisome moment and hold onto it to remember what truly is precious. I will never forget this story I read about a mother with a physically handicapped child.  Her child was developmentally delayed and she really did not know what his physical capabilities would be.  One day, he reached over and started pulling out her CD's from her CD rack.  She didn't correct the baby, but instead edged him on.  She called for her husband and they cheered.  Where as most parents would say no and correct their baby, they were merely happy that their child could pull the CD's down.  He was moving and exerting physical abilities.  I know it's silly, but I remind myself this often when my kids do things that drive me crazy...because I know their are a plethora of parents out their wishing their children could be doing that.  My oldest son was born with torticollis...aka a crooked neck.  He was a rag doll most of the 1st year of his life.  He was delayed physically on a lot of things.  For a short time I had no idea what he would be like, what his life would be like. He spent his 1st year in PT and OT twice a week. I see him strong and tall now and I know I am truly blessed.  God blessed me with two beautiful boys, and I need to slow down and remember this the next time I feel overwhelmed...

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