Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I should be sleeping...

But I will blame the junk food I consumed at the fair for my lack of sleep.  I'm tired, but wired.  I miss Eric too. 

Went to the fair tonight.  It was Cedric's first state fair.  I love the people watching.  That's the best attraction there.  I think the best view of the night was an Amish family using an electric scooter.

I need to clean my house.  It's in shambles.  I also need to start painting some rooms.  But I have no energy mentally, or physically for that.

I'm bored...I need a good book.

I'm so mentally tired.  I just need to relax.  Unplug and do NOTHING.  It seems I'm always moving.  I'm just tired.

Today I had three appointments.  I had to get my wire taken off my braces, then have a tooth filled (my dentist is awesome and my filling in practically invisible!!! yay) and then go back and have my wire put back on.  I'm just emotionally tired.  I was so nervous Cedric would freak out at the dentist.  But he was great.  He cried when I got the numbing shot...then once he saw I was good he perked up.  Then I had to run home to get spen and from then we went to the fair with a friend.  Run run run...is my life.  I need to just relax and do nothing.  I need some yoga asap.  I'll work on that tomorrow maybe while Ceddy is down for a nap.

Ok...I'm in a weird mood.  So I will leave you with some photos I took of my little guy.  He's too precious to not smile and coo at.

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