Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Very. Very. Excited.

I'm starting back shooting for the Courier- Journal.  Long story short,  I will be doing freelance photography for them and shooting some of the Derby events...excitedddddddd : )))))  I'm not going to lie...I'm nervous about juggling the kids and work...but momma wants to work and likes to get paid.....sooo all in all... it will work out.  Somehow. It's not a full-time thing so I'm sure it will be fine.

I'm also excited for VACATION!!!  Here is one of the places we are going to stay.


I can't wait!!!  I also can't wait for Disney and St. Augustine!!!

Bring it Spring!!! Now for allergies to just stay away and I will be happy ; )

Thanking God for my blessings and wishing everyone a fabulous day!!!

1 comment:

Tiff said...

So jealous of the vacay! Looks fabulous!