Monday, July 9, 2012

Short update...

This coming week will be beyond busy.  My boss is going to Disney and I'll be responsible for making the clients happy.  I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't nervous.  I have spent the morning getting organized for the week the week to come.

I had a great weekend!  I actually sat down and did things that I have been putting off.  Like finally finishing my kitchen curtains.  I had never hemmed them! It drove me CRAZY!  Checked off the to do list.

I made a KICK ASS art project for the office. I'll update with pics of that once the office doesn't look like a tsunami hit it. I'm really excited how they turned out!!!  Super modern and they add texture to the room.  I LOVES IT!

I got bangs!  Like for reals bangs.  I've been wanting them for a small eternity and just could not get the time to have them cut.  I ran out after Eric was home from work and popped in a local hair salon. I feel bad like I was cheating on my hair stylist, but I can never make an appointment. I'm always too busy. I had an insane experience at the new salon.  I had been there once before.  It's a nice salon and they accept walk-ins, a plus for me. Long story short, this little Russian man cut my hair.  He was kinda intense.  I felt as though I was in an SNL skit.  His thick Russian accent asking me if I knew what I was getting into?  Him questioning all these different aspects of my life.  He was nice, just intense to say the least.  He warned me of how drastic I was going.  I informed him I was a professional hair hopper.  So, nothing scares me.  I have been every color, cut and hair style.  Bangs...pffftttt...not a big deal.  But actually, I was AMAZED and TOTALLY WRONG with how he did them.  The way he cut them OMG.  I LOVE THEM and totally stand corrected.  I got told I looked hot by a guy waiting to get his hair done.  Always a nice boost to a mom's self esteem ; )  It was funny, it totally transformed my look.  Updated and modernized my mom hair!   I personally loved the responses when I came home.  Cedric told me he did not like it.  My hair was broken and looked confused at me.  The joys of a toddler.  Spen said, he too did not like it.  He HATES for me to change my hair.  But my husband...he had the best response.  He was down stairs working on the theater room, and was totally caught up in his work. I yelled for him and he rounded the corner, looked at me and his jaw actually dropped.  The jaw dropping soon followed with a huge smile and a OMG wow you look hot.'s nice to see I can still swoon and surprise my hubby : )  It's funny, I ran into my friend at the store and she didn't recognize me. Ha!  I think the little Russian man put a spell on me...but that's fine...I like it : )

Ok, off to take the boys out somewhere to have fun! Wishing everyone a great week!!!


lori said...

Oh come on!!! No pics of this fabu new 'do!!! ;). Can't wait to see your office project! And I'm sure you'll be great with your boss away!!!!

~Nikki Pullen said...

My cell phone SD card is full and I need to dump all the pics onto the computer while sorting out the pics I already have. Hence no pics. I'll take some soon. Loved the card and art you posted on FB. Too cute!