I can't wait to get them. It will take 7-10 days and then a week for them to acclimate. I can't wait. I'll post before and after pics. Anyone who has seen my carpet in the family room knows why I'm so excited.
Spen started school today..he was nervous. He did awesome...but was still scared.
He looked cute sporting his new shoes and clothes. He's a cutie. I hope he likes his new class and has a great day. He was dragging today...and really did not want to go. I walked him to his class and helped him find a seat. Eric teased me saying I'll walk him to class in high school...I told him hell, I'll walk him in college if my baby wants me I put a little love note in his backpack saying Eric and I loved him. He probably won't notice..the boy is blind as a bat.
Now what to do with my new found freedom. cleaning..and then prepping the baby's room for painting. I'm super excited. I went to hobby lobby and bought some letters for his name to go on the wall. I original...dur...but I think it's a fun look..and I'm going to spice up the white boring letters with some paint. I also need to order my curtains for in there..they are on sale on I buy everything on sale. I'm cheap..and when it comes to usually have to replace everything at least I do not feel bad pitching a broken item when I didn't pay full price.
I have a long to do list. Off to start it...
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