Thursday, April 5, 2012

New Chapters...

Sitting here with cotton in my ears (still dealing with ear infections) I am excited to announce the new chapters coming my way.  Life has an amazing way of introducing people into your life and introducing you to new situations.  I entered a new chapter this week.  I started a new job.  I'm really excited about this.  I will still continue my photography, but this is something that I can actually do from home.  Long story short, a friend on Facebook posted that her friend was hiring for a social media marketing associate.  I debated on applying. Honestly, I was second guessing myself.  But the hubs told me I should go for it and I did.  I was hired and today I had my first business networking meeting.  I can tell this is going to be an enjoyable adventure!  I am going to officially start in two weeks, but today was a special circumstance. I absolutely adore my boss.  She's adorable and best of all a working mom too.  She totally gets having kids and balancing it all.  I will be updating and managing clients facebook, twitter and other social media outlets.  This is a part time position but with room to grow.  It's an exciting field and I can't wait to plunge into the business.  So yay...and insert happy dance!!!  

Next chapter.  Babies.  I think in a year Eric and I will start trying for another baby.  I'm excited for this!!!  I LOVE babies.  I also love kids.  I want a house full of them...but in reality, one more will do ; )   Not sure when, I just know in the future we will add a newbie to the mix ; )   Until then, there are many things that need to get into order.  My house, a new vehicle to house said children, and I want to pay all bills off.  Babies are $$$ and I want this baby to a fun asset to the family.  It's adorable, Cedric has already told me he wants a little sister.  Ha!  He's funny.  Spencer wants more siblings too.  I love my boys!!!

I have sooo many things going on and so much to do!!!  I have a plethora of ideas for this house and for my yard. So stay tuned for updates and with that said have a lovely evening!!!

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