Ok, I'm in braces. My orthodontist is trying to correct my jaw alignment by using rubber bands to pull it forward and to the side. I have TMJ horribly and suffer from headaches and jaw pain monthly from this. Well, my orthodontist changed up my rubber bands and OMG it must have caused my TMJ to act up and now my trigeminal nerves are acting up. If you have never had nerve pain consider yourself lucky. I was on the verge of tears this morning taking my oldest to school. I've been laying on a heating pad most of the morning and taking Motrin as well. If it doesn't help I might go to the doctor or the chiropractor. I've read online that they can help. This pain is so intense and horrific it's surreal.
Onto other news. I wanted to shoot my friends engagement portraits this weekend. I'm so excited for them and I have so many ideas but I can't handle this pain and shoot. I'm praying it stops so I can. I'm praying it stops also just because the pain is so intense.
I got a photo shoot job with a local company to do portraits for their website. I get to use my studio equipment....something I haven't used in awhile. I'm super excited about this!!! Hopefully, it will open more doors to more jobs for me : ) I really love commercial photography. I've been taking time off...but sometimes things have a way of finding you and directing you to more options in life....which leads me to my next topic. I'm going to take some graphic design classes. My friend gave me some info on them last week and I'm super excited about this. I'm testing the water to see if I want to further my education in this direction. Eric was happy for me and thinks it's a good move so we shall see : ) Classes start soon...so wish me luck : )
I've been working out pretty consistently lately. The gym is basically across the street from me so I have no excuse. My goal is to be bikini ready for summer. I want to wear a two piece without wearing a moo moo cover up
or being chased with pitchforks by local villagers.
I've lost a few pounds. The hubs and I are giving up fast food, cokes and just all around bad things. So far so good. I've been eating more vegetarian meals too. Bikini here I come and I'm talking real bikini no momkini as Eric calls them. ha!
I've decided to paint my dining room. Just not sure about the color. I LOVE greys...but a pretty purple might be fun. Who knows.
Ok..off to take more meds and to hang out with my new BFF...my heating pad.
I have TMJ, too. I'm so sorry yours is flaring up! Sending healing vibes your way!
Thanks! My jaw is sore but hopefully, the nerve pain has stopped for now : ) Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
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