Friday, September 4, 2009

Yippie skippy...

Eric is driving home as I type. Woo hoo. I missed him so much. This has been a hard week. I've cried a lot of the days...damn hormones. He should be home by 12:30. I can't wait to hug and kiss him. Ok..enough mushy stuff.

I'm currently waiting for spen's principle to call me back. I'm fed up with him getting sick. Today he has diarrhea. He has already had an upper respiratory infection and strep throat. He hasn't even been in school a full month. It's because the kids in his class are forced to share their supplies. We had to send in a vast amount of supplies, only to find out that they are all shared??? Kids are dirty...and they are germ spreading little robots. So hence, spen being sick. I'm speaking to spen's principle about this. I plan on Tuesday to send in a soft pencil bag full of the supplies that spen will use. Everything will be labeled and he is to only use the items. Hello, how dumb does JCPS have to be....H1N1, shigellosis, besides just common illnesses are all spread from hand to mouth contact. Kids wiggle their teeth, cough, Lord know what they do in the bathroom, and then touch pencils, crayons and share their germs. I'm tired of it. No more. Call me a me a freak...but I'm tired of him getting sick...and I really do not want the baby to get sick either. But I digress....

Today is the start of our weekend!!! Woo floors here we come. One step to this house being done.

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