Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kinda Numb...

So Eric got his test results back from his thyroid scan.  Not good.  He has a nodule that is questionable.  I had a bad feeling about his test.  My heart sank today when he called and told me the news.  He set up an appointment to go talk with his doctor.  So my mom came and sat with Cedric and I met him there.  With his blood work, thyroid being so swollen, and the way the nodule looks the doctor wants a biopsy.  Honestly my mind is going to cancer. I keep having crying fits during the day when no one is around.  I love my husband so very much.  He is my best friend.  I keep thinking why him. He's the good guy.  He's the husband that rushes home to his kids and wife.  He is selfless and loving.  I just hope and pray everything turns out ok and his biopsy is benign.  They should call tomorrow with the date it's scheduled.  I feel like such a horrible wife.  Eric was worried about me!?!?  I need to be strong.  I need to pull myself together.  I'll do that tomorrow ; )  Today, I'll sit with a pity party tucked away in my office crying away from the boys.  I just hope and pray everything is ok!!! Please keep my hubby in your prayers!

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