I had a blast in Michigan. I will admit there were some trying times. I took two kids to the beach by myself and my 19 month old son has no fear. I lovingly refer to him as Johnny Knoxville baby. He kept diving into the water and laughing at the waves crashed on him. It was super adorable but nerve wrecking at the same time. My oldest was awesome as usual. He helped me keep his younger brother from floating away. Sheeshhh...life with a toddler.
We enjoyed root beer floats at the cafe and somehow managed to bring half the beach home with us in our swimsuits. My car is still full of sand. Oy vey!!! But I wouldn't have had it any other way : )
I love this pic because it depicts the life of a older brother. Poor Spencer was getting hit with the Ceddy's love of sand.
I swear I blinked and my guy grew two feet.
Sand Piggies!!!
He became instant buds with the shovel.
We then went to Dutch Village and it was indeed just that...
Cedric was very cool and laid back with the goats...Spencer...not so much...
The Dutch really dig those wooden shoes. I wanted a pair but did not want to pay $80...yikes.
My little goat boy.
Funny story Spencer BEGGED to buy food so he could feed the goats. Once I gave him the money he hurried and got the feed then proceeded to sprinkle it on the ground in front of them. He refused to feed it to them by hand...the poor baby goats looked at him like he was nuts so mom had to step in and show him how it's done. I love baby goats : )
Spencer BEGGED for me to climb the wooden shoe play ground and go down the slide. I did what any other crazy mom would do...I climbed it ; )
Yes, I'm almost 30 and yes I wear braces.
A wall of yummy...
Creepy stone people...I told Spencer Medusa had been there earlier...he's really into Percy Jackson right now so he laughed.
My little Nixon.
The poor workers have to wear the wooden shoes. One worker told me he had on 6 pair of socks. OUCH!!!
Spen enjoying his ride.
Ceddy Pickles...as my friend loves to call Ceddy.
He LOVESSSS Pickles.
I will leave you with a little kiss my handsome little prince : ) This is his new favorite thing and I LOVE IT!!!
Thank you... the little commissioner likes it too...
You have a wonderful family :-)))
Wonderful pictures.
Make me smile
Thanks!!! I had to share their cute little faces!!! My favorite pic is the last one of Cedric giving a kiss : )
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