Saturday, October 15, 2011


I have been sick most of October.  I had a sinus infection that has somehow managed to turn into an inner ear infection.  Praying I feel better soon...these headaches are enough to drive a sane person mad.  Started a new dose of meds and fingers crossed/and prayers I feel better.  This is my favorite month and next week is my birthday and anniversary.  I'm just tired of feeling bad and I want to actually enjoy this month.

I did manage to have a good time today after my doctors visit.  We went to my parents house for a birthday party for my dad.  It was nice seeing all the kids playing together.  I ate way too much and had a really good time.  I miss my seems life makes you busy and time slips away.

Ok, I need to take some meds and hop in bed.  Fingers crossed I feel better tomorrow!!!


PinkCoffie said...

Nikki I really hope you will get well soon! I had that time ago so I understand you <3 Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Xoxo

- Urska @

~Nikki Pullen said...

Thanks!!! I started new meds yesterday and my headache has gone away!!! YAY!!! I've had one for the past solid week straight. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday!