Sunday, July 11, 2010


It's cold in my office. 

Updates in list form...since I'm too lazy to write paragraphs....

- had a blast in Chicago and Michigan.( I love exploring new places)
- need to edit pics
- need to finish up on house projects
- need to stop being so negative.  It's draining me.
- need to get a handle on my's driving me nuts.
- must wash clothes, tomorrow shall be laundry day.
- can't wait for Hawaii...I am beyond excited. 
- I need to buy a bathing suit for said trip.
- still cannot believe we are going to Hawaii
- can hear spen talking in his sleep in his room...kinda funny.
- I need to stop trying to understand people.  People are who they are, will never change nor make sense.
- Flash and show is simply that.
- I'm blessed and I'm very thankful for my life
- I need to work on my business more
- I have so many ideas, I need to find a way to have some order within the madness
- I need to take a breath and let everything unfold
- I'm tired.
- my house is a mess
- my deck is still not finished.
- I wish I could sleep at the times of the day I should
- I wish people understood me
- I wish I didn't care as much as I do
- happy about Eric's raise, he deserves it
- poor ceddy is teething
- I need to take spen out alone...we need a mommy spen's been too long
- I want to go back to the drive-in
- people amuse me
- I need to relax goes on...we are who we matter what others think or percieve us to be....I am me and nothing more : )

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